Some easy things you can do to help the Ireland Israel Alliance

There are a few things you can do to help the Ireland Israel Alliance. They’re very easy but believe us; they will make a hugely positive difference to what we’re trying to achieve.

The question needs to be asked why January should be the month for life-changing resolutions. It’s cold, dark, and miserable and is completely unsuited to sudden decisions such as resolving to run 5km every morning, to go on a crash diet, or to give up alcohol. January is difficult enough already; we need to treat ourselves gently. Leave the hard, transformative choices to the long, warm summer days.

So, don’t feel bad if your new year’s resolution has already fallen by the wayside. However, if you still feel like doing some positive things in what’s left of this month, consider the points below. These are a few things you can do to help the Ireland Israel Alliance. They’re very easy but believe us; they will make a hugely positive difference to what we’re trying to achieve.

1. Twitter

If you have a Twitter account, it’s very easy to make sure that you keep a track of everything we tweet. Our Twitter account id is @irlisrAlliance as in the image below. You can find us by searching for the account id or simply by clicking on the link below:

Click on Follow to make sure that you’re more likely to see our tweets in your Twitter feed.

Click on Follow to make sure that you’re more likely to see our tweets in your Twitter feed.

However, you can go one step further. Once you’re following us, you’ll see a small bell symbol to the left of the Following button. If you click on that, you’ll get notified every time we tweet something.

Then, all you need to do is give us as much attention as you can. Likes are great, retweets are even better. Comments would be wonderful. Whatever you can do will be very much appreciated.

You can help!

2. Facebook

Of course, we’re on Facebook too and if you came across this article on Twitter, then possibly you don’t know that we’re at the link below. Click on the Like button to make sure you get our posts to appear in your timeline.

However, Facebook can be quite choosy about what it displays and even if you’ve liked our page, the chances are that you’ll only see a fraction of our posts. If you want to know every time we post something, please do the following.

(a) Click on the 3 dots to the right of the Like button and the search magnifying glass.

(b) Choose Follow Settings. If you’re browsing on a smartphone, this may simply be labelled as Following.

(c) Under the Notifications section, click on Posts.

(d) Choose the Standard option to get up to five daily notifications of posts on our Facebook page. Don’t worry; it’s unusual for us to post more than 2 or 3 times per day!

(e) Then, every time we post, you’ll get a notification – just as you would if someone likes a post of yours or responds to it. As with Twitter, please give us all the attention you can. Likes and shares would be much appreciated as would comments.

3. Youtube

We have our own dedicated Youtube channel where videos of events and rallies get uploaded before being released on social media. The link to it is here:

Click on the red Subscribe button on the right hand side to sign up to the channel. Once you’re subscribed, a bell symbol will appear to the right of the Subscribed button. If you click on that and choose the “All” option, you will then get notifications every time we upload a new video. 

Please like and share our videos and leave positive comments too. The more attention we get, the more Youtube loves us and bumps us up the search rankings.

4. Instagram

You can find us on Instagram at the link below. Please click on the blue Follow button and then like and share as many of our posts as possible.

5. Our Website

More generally, we really do love to see people clicking on articles on our website and reacting to them. We have a small number of dedicated writers and it can take quite a bit of effort to research the subject matter, type up the article, source the appropriate images, get it all on to the website, and make sure that everything is all lined up and professional-looking.

So, if you’re one of those people who clicks on the article and reads it rather than just looking at the title and the meta description in the post or tweet, you’re already doing a lot to help us. The more clicks we get on the website, the more we rise up the rankings when people do searches on search engines such Google, and hence the more likely it is that others will find our website and click on it too. In case you haven’t checked us out already, this is the link:

And that’s it. These are a few easy things that will take very little effort for each of our members and followers. However, if enough of our members and followers do them, they will be enormously beneficial for us. Thanks for reading this.

By Ciarán Ó Raghallaigh

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